Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The #1 reason for bankruptcy in America, responsible for more than half of bankruptcies filed nation-wide, happens to be ill or failing health.

Most people go bankrupt from health care expenses because their insurance won't cover them.

If I find out that I have cancer in July and I'm unemployed, but then I find a job in Sept and get insurance does that means that they won't cover me and I will have to pay out of pocket because of a "pre-existing condition"?

What good is the insurance company then?

Is the Health Insurance company trying to heal me or get into my pockets? What is the Health Insurance companies mission statement?

If the insurance company won't help me then who do I turn to?

Who is gonna help me then? What organization or entity is going to pick up the slack? Should I just roll over and die because I don't have enough money? What type of nation do we live in?

Am I supposed to perform surgery on myself in my own kitchen with a stake knife?

Someone mentioned that if you didn't have car insurance when u damaged your car then the insurance company won't pay to fix it when you do get insured after the incident has already happened.( That is an excellent point but you can avoid wrecking a car by not driving or owning a car but you can't stop yourself from developing cancer or any other type of illness like diabetes. Besides, how can you compare a car to someones life. Car insurance is another rip off as well in my opinion. The government should give everyone insurance just like other countries. Same for Health Care.)

U also get raped because they take money out your check on pay day and when you need them after paying them for 8 years straight making them rich they tell you to kiss their a$.

How come doctors never actually cure anything? The last thing they cured was polio like 50 years ago. Only reason why they cured Polio is because a doctor named John Stalk's wife contracted the disease. It was cool for the rest of the population to have it but he got motivated to solve this issue once someone near and dear to him was suffering. LOL

If you discovered the cure for cancer you probably end up dead in a dumpster. The health industry makes literally trillions of dollars off of sick people. Why would they be thrilled that you discovered the cure for AIDS or cancer and it's some inexpensive herb from South America or the rain forest? Same goes for the oil company and cars. If they are making billions of dollars every quarter then why on earth would they want the streets filled with electric cars that don't need gas or oil in the engine? I don't think people understand that once you have a successful system implemented then you don't want to tamper with it. If It ain't broke then don't fix it. If you spent years building a business with your blood sweat and tears, wouldn't you want to protect it? Why would you want someone to come along with a better product or service and completely wipe you out? If you had a store selling bow ties and a customer walked in, you wouldn't tell him "my bow ties are alright but my competitor down the streets has better quality bow ties for less money and the customer service is way better then in my shop"! How long would you be in business trying to please everybody except yourself?

Doctors make more money giving pills that actually suppress the symptoms as opposed to eradicating the actual problem. Once you are healthy then there is no need to see the doctor and keep paying for his brand new Porsche. It's like renting versus owning. You make more money renting a house out to someone for infinity versus selling the house outright and making
a one time big profit. The second you give the public the cure then you will wipe out an industry. Even the non-profit organization would be effected. Non-profit organization still employ workers who have jobs and pay bills. Why would you need a non-profit organization around if you found the cure for cancer? How often do you hear about people funding money to Polio non-profit organizations? You don't because polio has been cured and there is no need for any.

Still think money isn't everything when you are paying out of pocket for a $7,000 CAT SCAN or MRI while you are hooked up to an I V? If you had money then you could afford insurance. If you were rich then paying out of pocket would not make you bankrupt just to save your life. Let's not forget that you could get the best doctors in the world to assist you as well. Reminds me of standing on trial for your life in a courtroom with a public defender instead of the best lawyer in the state. The public defender don't care about you and will sleep real easy tonight after your conviction. While you are in jail fighting for your man hood he will probably be chilling at home in his reclining chair watching the game or watching reruns of Night Court enjoying his freedom. LMOA

The expenses are outrageous with hospitals! Charge you a $1,000 just to check your blood pressure. WTF

Why should you be punished for being sick? It's not your fault.

It's not like how people who are convicted felons and can't get a job because of their criminal past. They made choices and new the consequences. Even felons need a second chance because they will commit crimes again if they can't get a job.

Protect Your self ASAP
I strongly recommend reading a book called Natural cures they don't want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau. Tons of people are suffering because they don't know about alternative medicine. Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. If you keep going to traditional doctors and they can never help you but keep taking all your money then you need to explore new options. What do you have to lose going to an Herbalist or alternative doctor? I have personally benefited from seeing a few. Regular doctors are the exact opposite of alternative doctors. They are completely different and have way different knowledge. Alternative doctors actually look for the problem that is causing your discomfort so they can get rid of it forever. Regular doctors suppress the problem but never fully get rid of it. Regular doctors turn you into a legal junkie hooked on all types of medications that make pharmaceutical companies wealthy. When was the last time your doctor prescribed some herbs that don't have a patent? You mean to tell me that only drugs can help people and not natural stuff that grown in the earth? If I'm organic then I need to only put organic stuff in my body to help me that God planted. I don't want no man made food or pills someone made in a lab somewhere! No wonder so many people are sick. What the hell is sweet and low or equal anyway? I know what sugar is and where exactly that comes from. LOL. The sugar cane. Besides, what did people do for 1,000 of years before pills were invented?

I could go all day about eating healthy but please read the book about Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About. One quick thing that a lot of people can do right now for little money is detox your body ASAP. Did you know that the average American has 5 to 10 pounds of undigested fecal matter sitting in their gut? Look at all these Americans who walk around with their stomachs hanging out. You can get rid of that right now by detoxing your insides like your liver and colon. I used Dual Action Cleanse and I immediately started losing weight without diet and exercise. The best part is it's all natural and safe.I got all that junk out my systems witch lighten the loads as well as got my body functioning properly after years of poisoning myself with MC Donald's and the crap they sell you at the grocery stores. Don't you have to change the dirty oil in your car every 3 months? How can you go a life time without cleaning out your body. Think about what you are eating. Have you ever found an old MC Donald's french fry underneath your car seat or behind the sofa after it's been there for months? Have you ever noticed that there is no mold on it and it's not decomposing? It looks exactly like the way you bought it right. I thought french fries were made from potatoes? This is the kind of stuff we put in our bodies and then wonder why we have cancer and other illnesses.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Is The Love Of Money The Root Of All Evil?
I believe a lot of people are not financially stable because they have a lot of misconceptions about money. They grow up listening to people saying "money is evil" or "money doesn't grow on trees". People have no idea how these negative statements can impact your entire life if you let it. The last time I checked money was a piece of paper. I always wondered at what point does money become evil? What's the exact dollar amount that is evil ? If I slave for a corporation everyday earning $28,000/year making the CEO rich and barely can make my ends meet does that make me a good person? If I got fed up and then decided to publish a book and sell a million copies making $5 million on how to eat healthy and get 6 pack abs, does that make me evil? Should I be labeled evil because I chose to escape the rat race, teach people about how to be healthy and empower myself by making millions of dollars writing a book? The ironic part is that broke people can't help anybody including theirs selves. If you had money then you could really help people by starting a business and create jobs, feed hungry kids, and give back to the community. How can you give back to the community if you hiding your car all over town because the repo man is looking for you?

People Are Evil, Not Money
People are the ones that are evil, it's not the money. I believe the lack of money is the root of all evil. Being broke your whole life and never taking action is the real crime. How many people are sitting in jail that come from a low income environment versus growing up with a silver spoon in their mouth? I doubt if you will ever catch Simon from American Idol holding up a Burger King or 7 Eleven with a Tommy gun for $86. People who grow up in poverty don't enjoy selling drugs. They don't wake up in the morning and say" Hey, I feel like getting shot in the ass today from one of my rivals or the police today because my life is boring and I need a sense of adventure". They do it because their stomach is growling and their kids need baby milk. Last time I checked, buying food and putting a roof over you to keep rain drops from falling on your head was not free. Homeless people don't eat out of a trash can because it's tasty. Do you think they like the way that moldy sandwich tastes after it's been marinating in filth for days? Do you think they are competing with rats and insects in a garbage can for food for kicks? I got an idea, next time you see a homeless man digging for food in the trash can outside of Red Lobster, won't you strike a convo with him about how "money's not everything" or "money is the root of all evil". He will probably tell you to give him $5 so he can get something to eat or get the hell out his face ASAP. Besides, how often do you see someone with $300,000 in their savings account eating old spaghetti out a dumpster?
Examples Of How Money Is Not Evil
  • NUCLEAR POWER- Nuclear power can be used to power up an entire city including the home you live in or blow up a city. It's not the nuclear power that's doing it, it's the person behind it.
  • GUNS- I'm not the biggest advocate of guns but the fact remains that it's a piece of technology. You can't go around and uninvent guns or technology once it's been conceived. They are here to stay just like the internet. Good luck on trying to unplug the entire internet and burying the blueprints on how to make it from the entire world. Guns can be used to shoot an animal and feed your family or used to rob a bank and harming people. Is the gun evil or the person robbing the bank?
  • CASH- As I stated before, you can use money to start a business and create jobs or start a multi million dollar drug ring flooding the streets with narcotics. Every one has a choice when they obtain money. If you are a drug kingpin standing trial, you can't point to a big bag of money in the courtroom and say "I didn't do it, the money did it". "The money is the real brains of the operation"! Well guess what, someone is going to jail and most likely get raped in the shower and it ain't the bag of money.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


The results are in and it appears that 80% of the people who took the survey thinks their job absolutely sucks! That is a staggering amount of people who are miserable on a daily bases. Now that we establish that the majority of the population does not like what they do for a living, let's see how many of those people will actually take action to resolve this issue and gain financial freedom. In my opinon, if your job sucks, then your life sucks. The reason why is everything revolves around your job.

  • Where you live (people don't live in the hood because it's a fun place to be)
  • How much money you make (Good luck trying to be a multi millionaire working for somebody else's company)
  • What type of person you date ( I doubt if Halle Barry is riding around the ghetto in a 2010 Bentley looking for her soul mate who probably works at McDonald mopping up the number 2 some homeless person left on the bathroom floor. When i say number 2, I ain't talking about no Big Mac meal neither.LOL)
  • Health (Ever try to buy expensive health food on a budget?)
  • People who you associate with ( More then likely your friends and family are just as broke as you are. If you try to conjure up ideas to escape the rat race with these people then it will be a case of the blind leading the blind. Rich people can exchange ideas on how they successfully make money with each other and keep progressing)
  • Vacation (Your job dictates when and where you can take a vacation. It's very hard to visit Japan when all your credit cards are maxed out from paying living expenses and your checking account has $670 worth of overdraft fees. Let's not forget the fact that if your job denies your vacation request, you will be sitting right at your cubicle with a post card from Hawaii stapled to your wall, imaging yourself there in a beach chair with the breeze cooling you off.
  • Time (You most likely spend more time with co- workers then your own kids)
  • Stress (When you beat the hell out of your 2 year old for spilling grape juice on the floor or ramming a tuna fish sandwich in your DVD player, you are not really that mad at them. They don't even know what a DVD player is for crying out loud. You probably are mad at the fact that you were stuck in traffic for 3 hours and your kids are just an outlet. Everyday you are pushed around by your boss, co-workers, parents, spouse, creditors, etc. You feel powerless because a lot of these sources of stress take your power from you. That's why people turn around and disrespect the bank teller, the guy at the fast food register taking your order, waiters, and their own kids. They don't do it because these people are necessarily incompetent at their jobs or done anything wrong. They do it because they have power over these people and can fight back. It's a cycle that keeps perpetuating through society. I had jobs at the age of 16 where some idiot would bitch and make a scene because the lettuce on his hamburger was room temperature or his french fries weren't hot enough to give the inside of his mouth 4th degree burns. Next time you roundhouse your 12 year old son for forgetting to take the trash out or choke slamming your 16 year old daughter for accidentally erasing one of your messages on your answering machine, think about how earlier that day your boss screamed in your ear because you forgot to put 2 packs of sweet and low in his coffee. Think about how you could have told your boss to "kiss your ass" but instead you put your tail between your legs like you always do while he verbally cut your balls off with a rusty butter knife.Thats' the real reason why you are pissed at the world

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


When Should I listen to them?
I have come to the conclusion that you should know when and when not to take advice from your elders. People should definitely take advantage of their wisdom because you don't want history to repeat itself. They have the foresight to see mistakes happening all over again that has happened before. Take our current economic status for example. I'm sure a lot of our grandparents can compare the current economy to the great depression years ago. Obviously we need to ask our elders on how to cope with the alarming amount of unemployment numbers that has ensued and things of that nature.

When Not To Listen
As much as I respect my elders it is not wise for me to ask for advice on how to become a success in modern times. Especially if the person who I'm talking to has never achieve what I am trying to achieve. I only want to speak to a person who has already done what I'm trying to do and can help me regardless of age.Our parents, uncles, aunt, grandparents, godmothers, etc all grew up in a different era. If someone was born in 1908 then what the hell do they know about setting up a successful business on the internet or becoming a rap superstar by marketing your talent on ? LOL. These opportunities didn't even exist when they were young. I also believe that in the past college was more useful in becoming a success. Nowadays I believe that college is ridiculously expensive and overrated. Let's not forget that more people then ever go to college now so the job market is flooded with competition. A bachelors degree is more like a high school diploma in today's market. It's ironic how our parents can be the worst people to listen to at times. It reminds me of how when you are young and your parents give you advice on women if you are a male. They tell you to treat a women nice when women actually want the exact opposite They want the bad boy who disrespects them and could care less. The nice guy finishes last every time. Take their advice on women and I guarantee you that you will be alone on Friday night watching The Matrix for the millionth time desperately hoping that some imaginary chick will call your cell phone asking can she come over. Besides, your parents don't tell you the whole story about how they hooked up. They omit certain details like how they had unprotected sex on the 1st date in the Pizza Hut bathroom after smoking Marijuana while their spouses are waiting for them at home thinking they had to work late. LMOA

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


These are my personal reasons why I'm not fit to slave for other people. I'm writing this to make you ask yourself some questions about your situation that you probably pushed back into your subconscious mind to help you cope with the nonsense. What I'm writing might be negative but hopefully you will use it to inspire you to do something positive by taking action so you can avoid these things that get under our skin.

  1. Drug Screening-Why do I have to piss in a cup just to get a mundane job lifting boxes making $7 an hour? Does Jay-Z have to piss in a cop to perform his latest hit record live on stage and make $100,000?
  2. Credit Check- If somehow has bad credit and can't get a job then how is there credit supposed to get better? This is the biggest catch 22 I ever heard of in my life besides the "We can't hire you because you don't have enough experience" rhetoric. How can someone have experience if they just got out of college and can't get a job to gain the experience?
  3. Money- Trading your time for money is the worst way to make cash. I'm not cool with putting myself in a position where I will never get rich.I wrote a whole article on this. Click here
  4. Time- Who says that you should only have a week or 2 weeks for vacation time every year? What if I want to spend months at a time in Italy or Brazil exploring the world? What law, religion, or group of people decided on the arbitrary number of 2 weeks? Where did that come from? Let's not forget to mention lunch breaks. Why 30 minutes or an hour? If you take control of your life you can do as you please. You can toss out the employee handbook and tell the company to stick it where the son don't shine. Do you spend more time at work dealing with people who you have no desire to be around then your own family? I used to not see my family and friends for weeks at a time but would see my co-workers and supervisor EVERYDAY!
  5. Sleep- Ever have trouble sleeping at night because of anxiety about your job? Have you ever despised your job so much that you suffered from sleep deprivation? The funny thing is that it probably effects your performance at work because of lack of sleep. Now that you can't concentrate on your job it makes it harder to work which makes your job suck even more which keeps you up late at night. This is the viscous cycle that I used to have to experience for years.
  6. Fish out of water- If you are anything like me then you don't fit in at a job. I have always been a person who thinks outside the box and never liked being just like everyone else. It makes me feel unique. I have no connection what so ever to the people next to me sitting in their cubicles. My co-workers used to bitch all day about Microsoft Vista, what type of clothes someone is wearing, or how their bonuses are smaller this year compared to last year. Who cares what type of clothes Mike has on today! LOL. These same people also love to strike fear in your heart when you mention that you might try to invest in stocks or start your own business venture. All they do is focus on problems and if you discuss solutions they will run away from you like you have a bad case of the swine flu. On top of all that I am a minority. I know we don't go to work everyday to make friends but I'm not a robot either. At some point in the 8 hour shift I need someone to communicate with or crack a few jokes with. 8 hours can seem like an eternity when you have no one to relate to. I been in positions where I would put out an APB on anyone who was black so I could have a friend to talk to at the company.LOL. It didn't even matter if we would have hated each other or never even hold a convo under different circumstances.
  7. Retirement- It appears that all the social security money will be gone when I'm in my sixties. What the hell do I look like flipping burgers at the age of 67 after I bust my tail all those years? The younger generation needs to be informed on what's going on nowadays. What worked in 1976 probably won't work in 2040.
  8. Knowledge- People who work at the same place for 50 years have limited knowledge. All these guys no is how to cash a check and spend their money. They know nothing about financial freedom, compound interest, passive income, residual income, income statements etc. Their knowledge seems to be very one dimensional.
  9. Taxes- Jobs take all of your income just with taxes alone. Let's not forget your union fees and health care too. I wrote more in dept about this at Click Here
  10. Dreams- Have you spent the last 15 years working at your job that you hate and put your dreams on the back burner? We all got to die someday and I don't want to think about my regrets on my deathbed. If you can dedicate your life to making someone else rich then you can dedicate a couple hours a day on your dreams and goals.

It's Not What You Know But Who You Know

Nepotism is the showing of favoritism for relatives or friends based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability or suitability. For instance, offering employment to a relative, despite the fact that there are others who are better qualified and willing to perform the job. The word nepotism is from the Latin word nepos (meaning "nephew" or "grandchild").

What about my grades?
This is one of the reasons why getting a college education is not very effective when it comes to supporting yourself. What good did getting an A+ on your physics test do for you last year when the job you just applied for was given to the bosses nephew? College never once told us the truth about "It's not what you know but who you know". They might have mentioned you have to network but they didn't fully explain the schematics of it. College gives you this false sense that if you get good grades then you will excel in the real world. In my opinion you have to have book smarts and street smarts in this world. This is why a lot of extremely intelligent people sit around wondering why they aren't moving ahead in life or getting the women they want. You have to have street smarts as well as book smarts. School only teaches one of those and it ain't street smarts. LoL. The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki talks about how in the real world people are more concerned about your financial report card. If you wanted to purchase some Real Estate and needed capital from the bank, they will need to know your debt to income ratio, financial statements and credit scores. They are not going to ask for your report card from the 8th grade or college transcripts!

My experience
I personally have had jobs where my boss or co-workers had close relatives working at the job. Some of my co workers were younger then me and made more money and didn't even have a bachelors degree like I do. WTF. What happened to all those test, quizzes, and term papers I took in college? It did me no good in the real world. I also have been given jobs in the past because I knew the person working at the place of employment. It wasn't because I was the best candidate. Some people look at it as racism but if you are white or black and have power, then most likely you will hire your relative or friend who is the same race right? If corporate America is predominantly white then wouldn't I be an idiot to try to climb their corporate ladder as an African American? Even if I was white I wouldn't want to climb that ladder because if you don't have friends in high places then it doesn't matter who you are.This is what I mean when people should create their own way. Stop relying on someone else's structure and start your own. You will never make more money then the CEO of the company you work for!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Trading your hours for dollars
Contrary to popular belief, trading your hours for dollars is the most financially unintelligent way to make money! The reason why is because you only have 24 hours in a day. It is physically impossible to work 30, 58 or 100 hours in a day. The amount of money you can make is finite even if you worked a massive amount of overtime until you dropped dead on the floor from exhaustion. Society teaches us that this is the way to go not knowing that you will forever have that glass ceiling hovering above your head. Let's not forget that you must spend 8 hours a day sleeping and even more hours commuting back and forth to work everyday. Do you get paid for that? Doesn't that chip away at your earning potential?

My experience with trading hours for dollars
My experience with trading hours for dollars has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will never become financially independent punching a clock everyday for someone else.
I remember the last straw for me when it came to trading my time for money. In 2005 I was fed up of having credit card debt that I accumulated from college, school loans, and other expenses that I had. I figured why complain about it when I can work overtime to completely get this monkey off my back. I remember for 2 weeks I barely got any sleep because I was doing so much overtime to receive time and a half. I would work until 3 or 4 in the morning, drive a hour home from Baltimore and go to sleep. Hours later I would wake up and head back to work to repeat the cycle all over again. When I eventually received my check I couldn't believe the numbers! I made $2,200 and only kept $1,500 after taxes! WTF. They took out $700 in taxes for slaving for 2 weeks while I was making $12/hour. Imagine if I would have worked for a month instead which is 4 weeks. That would be $1,400 worth of taxes in a month while I'm depriving myself of sleep! Are you getting the picture now. Do you see why trading your time for money isn't smart? Here's a visual....

$2,200 Gross
- 700 Uncle Sam
= $1,500 Me

Taxes are designed to keep the poor and middle class broke. The rich pay less taxes then us. It's called the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. The rich control the tax laws because they have more power and influence. Do you really think your vote is equal to Bill Gates? Let's be serious! The rich have way more persuasion then the average Joe. Ever heard of a lobbyist? LOL. My philosophy is, if you know the rich make the rules and the poor get the short end of the stick then isn't it in your best interest to become rich too and stop complaining about it?

Robert Kiyosaki talks about how it's not about how much you make, it's how much you keep. People who work jobs are taxed the heaviest on the planet! Your are the lowest guy on the totem pole. People who settled for a job are taxed income tax. If you are taxed capital gains tax like the rich are then you pay less. A worker is taxed 33% of his salary a year. Ouch! Businesses and investors know methods that will take only 15% using capital gains tax instead. Look at the math below after one year......

A typical worker/Slave

$100,000 Income from lame job
- $33,000 The income tax rape
------------- ------------
=$67,000 Your cut

Stock Investor/Real Estate Investor

$100,000 Income from stocks
-$15,000 Capital gains tax
=$85,000 Your cut

It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep!

How am I supposed to make money then?

You must unlearn the whole trade your time for money into new approaches that reflect the 21st century. Here are some ideas to get you started. The items that I listed will get your creative process going. You do not have to pick one of these. Find what works for you

  1. Stocks- There is no glass ceiling placed on stocks. You could pay $5 for a stock and watch it soar to $300 per share or more! Skies the limit with this way of making money. You also can buy as many stocks as you like and put a stop loss on it if it gets to low. Can you physically work at multiple jobs all at the same time? Of course not!
  2. Real Estate-This provides you an opportunity to own an unlimited amount of homes and rent them out bringing in passive income. While you are collecting money every month, the houses are going up in value while the tenants are paying down your mortgage. If the rent is more then the mortgage then you have a positive cash flow every month while someone else is doing all the work for you. (I recommend getting a property manager to handle the tenants for you. You should focus on getting more properties, not wasting time collecting bad checks)
  3. Author- If you write a book you put your self in a position where you can sell an infinite amount of books! All you have to do is write the book one time and collect residual income. You don't have to keep writing that same book over and over and over again. Only at a typical job do you keep repeating the same old task over and over and over again. That's why celebrities write a lot of books even though they are not authors. Not only does the book allow them to share their knowledge and experience with their fans, it's also provides another form of passive income. Now imagine if you had multiple books for sell and they all have the possibility to sell an infinite amount. These books will still sell even when your dead and gone! Does a job pay your family for work you did back in 1976 ? Still want to punch a clock?
  4. Musician- The opportunities here are similar to being an author and writing a book. With your music CD you have the possibility to sell an infinite amount of copies! Let's not forget about ring tones and other forms of passive income. They also get paid when their music is played in commercials, movies, radio etc. When they make a hit song it only has to be recorded once. They don't have to wake up in the morning and go the studio to record that same song everyday for years to get paid.
  5. Actor/Actress- Similar principles as a musician and book writer.
  6. Blogging- Do you know that with this blog I make money when I'm sleeping 24/7? Everyday I wake up and notice how much more cash I made while I was dreaming at night not even thinking about my blog. I also got my friends to sign up for blogging at and now we all are getting closer to our dreams of financial freedom.

I hope that this has sparked some interest in you to discover a way to make cash with out utilizing your time for it. People tend to have me all wrong sometimes. It's not all about the money, it's about the time. This info is the reason why you do not get to spend quality time with your friends and family. Try to support yourself without trading your time for money at all costs. Not to toot my own horn but this article is extremely good if I don't say so myself. Lmao. If you read this and still think that trading your time for money is a good idea then I honestly think you need a stray jacket and some Prozac ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!